Nile Senatore


Nile Senatore
Nile Senatore

Born in Salerno, he got a maximum grades cum laude college degree in Italian Literature at University of Salerno, for a thesis work based upon Giuseppe Giacosa’s poetry and librettos. He studied opera singing at AEMAS International Academy in Naples first, guided by baritone Raffaele Passaro and pianist Riccardo Bertucci and then with baritone Roberto Coviello in Milan and countertenor Antonio Giovannini at Potenza Conservatory.

In 2015 he won the second prize at the 19th edition of the Lyric Competition Concorso Musicale Nazionale Flegreo in Naples, with a 92 on 100 grade. Still in 2015, he won the role of Leandro in the opera studio project on G. Paisiello’s Duello Comico in Neaples.

In 2016 he was solo tenor of the ensemble Antica Consonanza in occasion of the Music for Cervantes concert at Sala Pier Paolo Pasolini in Salerno; the concert was promoted by Conservatorio Martucci of Salerno, Cervantes Institute of Naples, Federico II University of Naples and Salerno University, to celebrate the 400 years of Miguel Cervantes’ death.

In 2018 he won the role of Don Ottavio in W. A. Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni at the 5th edition of the Lyric Competition A ruoli d’opera in Milan.

In 2019 he is selected for the Accademia del Belcanto Rodolfo Celletti in Martina Franca, where he perfected the baroque repertoire with Sara Mingardo, and belcanto repertoire with Stefania Bonfadelli, Paoletta Marrocu, Chris Merritt, Sherman Lowe, Luca Gorla and many others.

In 2019 he was invited by Italian Consulate in Izmir to sing a belcanto recital at the Celsus Library in Ephesus, and in the same year he played the role of Arsenico in the Offenbach’s opera Coscoletto, which had its Italian Premiere, at Festival della Valle D’Itria, directed by Sesto Quatrini and staged by Arturo Cirillo. He played the same opera at Arena Shakespeare TeatroDue in Parma, directed by Giuseppe Montesano. In the same season, he played the title role in Offenbach’s Robinson Crousoe and Duce Greco in Nicola A. Manfroce’s Ecuba, staged by Pier Luigi Pizzi.

Still in 2019 he made his debut in the role of Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte at Teatro Cilea in Reggio Calabria (direction by Alessandro Tirotta and staging by Franco Marzocchi) – (Impiccione Viaggiatore: Il giovane tenore Nile Senatore, Ferrando, possiede un colore di voce ed una presenza adolescenziale che ben si confanno alla parte sognante di chi intona Un’aura amorosa, momento che gli è valso un generoso applauso, ma si è districato con onore per tutta l’opera superando pure lo scoglio della difficile aria Tradito, schernito, che più spesso si omette).

In December 2019 he made a new debut in Germany at Staadttheater Gießn in the production Glaube. Liebe. Abschied (Dec. 2019/Apr. 2020) directed by Florian Ludwig and staged by Wolfgang Hoffman, singing some of the most challenging Bach’s masterpieces.

In August 2020 he showed up among the finalists at the prestigious baroque Cesti Competition in Innsbruck. In February 2021 he was selected for the first William Christie’s residence at Quartier des artistes in Thirée.

Next debuts: Abel in Cain et Abel by Bernardo Pasquini, at Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, directed by Alessandro De Marchi (August 2021); Ozia in Betulia Liberata by W. A. Mozart, at Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza directed by Marco Comin (August 2021) Haute-contre in Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme by Molière/Lully with Les Musiciens du Louvre in Caen et Lyon (October 2021/May 2022)

Les participations de Nile Senatore durant le festival Prangins Baroque incluent:
Une fête Baroque (2021)
Le Miroir des Cœurs (2021)
photo gallery
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Le Miroir des Coeurs
Le Miroir des Coeurs - 2021
Une fête Baroque
Une fête Baroque - 2021
Une fête Baroque
Une fête Baroque - 2021
Une fête Baroque
Une fête Baroque - 2021
Une fête Baroque
Une fête Baroque - 2021
Une fête Baroque
Une fête Baroque - 2021

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