

Since its creation in 2020, the Prangins Baroque Festival has established itself as a not-to-be-missed event for lovers of baroque music. Each year, the festival offers a rich programme featuring well-known works, as well as some rare ones, performed by young talents alongside internationally renowned artists. For five consecutive years, Prangins has become a privileged meeting place for artists, audiences and the living history of early music. From its first promising editions to its most recent performances, the Festival has gone from strength to strength, offering a unique musical experience in an exceptional setting in the heart of the Côte vaudoise. This retrospective invites you to relive the highlights of these five editions, celebrating the excellence and creativity that bring Prangins to life every autumn.



For the 5th anniversary of the Prangins Baroque festival, 4 young baroque ensembles have been selected: 21 musicians and an artistic team are celebrating this anniversary.


Ensembles - 2024-09-08, Les Morettes

Balades musicales au Château - 2024-09-08, Château de Prangins

Carte blanche aux jeunes talents - 2024-09-06, Temple de Prangins

Concert du Mardi - 2024-09-03, Temple de Prangins

EQUIPE: Kateřina Blížkovská - (Chant et guitare baroque) , Stéphanie Brochard - (Chorégraphie et danse ) , Lucie Cazes - (Violoncelle baroque) , Manon Chapelle - (Viole de gambe) , Bojan Čičić - (Violon baroque) , Marie Cogels - (Flûte) , Steven Devine - (Clavecin) , Igor Diakoff - (organisation) , Carles Dorador I Jové - (Théorbe et percussions) , Sophie Gallagher - (Soprano) , Quentin Guérillot - (Clavecin) , Denis Jaccard - (Coach mental ) , Asami Kosaki - (Clavecin) , Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière - (Danse) , Geneviève Larger - (Traverso) , Chantal Lauper - (organisation) , Simon Lefebvre - (Violoncelle baroque) , Francine Maas - (Violon baroque) , Laure Massoni - (Violon baroque) , Marijana Mijanović - (Direction artistique et chant ) , Matthew Millkey - (Violon baroque) , Anne-Laure Nessi - (organisation) , Sophie Paeshuyse - (Violon baroque) , Patricia Piller - (organisation) , Kiele Sacco - (Clavecin) ,


For this fourth edition, our week of baroque events will be inspired by the new permanent exhibition Ovid in the Juraof the Swiss National Museum and the myth of Apollo and Daphne, taken from the great poem the Metamorphoses of Ovid. The themes it evokes are still relevant today - domination and violence, mockery and harassment, consent in love - and have prompted us to devote this edition of Prangins Baroque to it.


Les jardins d'Illusions - 2023-09-10, Cour du Château de Prangins

@daphne #jetaime / @apollon #moinonplus - 2023-09-07, Les Morettes

EQUIPE: Anastasiya Akinfina - (Clavecin) , Jehanne Baraston - (Danse) , Stéphanie Brochard - (Chorégraphie et danse ) , Rubén Castañeda Hernández - (Contrebasse baroque) , Carlos Henrique Cota Ferreira Bertão - (Basson baroque) , Igor Diakoff - (organisation) , Clément Diez - (Hautbois baroque) , Pierre-François Dollé - (Conception, chorégraphie et danse) , Carles Dorador I Jové - (Théorbe et percussions) , Alexandre Garnier - (Alto baroque) , Mélanie Gruwez - (Violon baroque) , Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière - (Danse) , Geneviève Larger - (Traverso) , Chantal Lauper - (organisation) , Tomislav Lavoie - (Baryton) , Simon Lefebvre - (Violoncelle baroque) , Marijana Mijanović - (Direction artistique et chant ) , Anne-Laure Nessi - (organisation) , Narumi Ogami - (Hautbois baroque) , Patricia Piller - (organisation) , Antonin Pinget - (Danse) , Emmanuel Resche-Caserta - (Coach instrumental et violon baroque) , May Robertson - (Violon baroque) , Fernando Rosa De Almeida - (Violon baroque) , Julie Scobeltzine - (Costumes et décors) , Andrew Taheny - (Violon baroque) , Dušan Toroman - (Clavecin) , Iulian Turicianu - (Alto baroque) , Jory Vinikour - (Clavecin) , Hélène Walter - (Soprano) ,


In 2022, the third edition of the Prangins Baroque Festival will focus on Italian baroque music and will bring together 13 instrumentalists and singers.


Voyage en Italie - 2022-09-11, Cour du Château de Prangins

Vous avez dit Baroque ? - 2022-09-08, Les Morettes

Concert du Mardi (2022) - 2022-09-06, Temple de Prangins

EQUIPE: Marta Atcher Soler - (Violon baroque) , Lucile Bailly-Gourevitch - (Mezzo-soprano) , Thera Barclay - (Soprano) , Igor Diakoff - (organisation) , Pierre-François Dollé - (Conception, chorégraphie et danse) , Priscila Gabrielle Santos - (Violon baroque) , Santiago Gervasoni - (Clavecin) , Adriana Gheorghisor-Caldare - (Soprano) , Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière - (Danse) , Chantal Lauper - (organisation) , Simon Lefebvre - (Violoncelle baroque) , Marijana Mijanović - (Direction artistique et chant ) , Angelica Monje Torrez - (Contralto) , Géraldine Moreau-Geoffrey - (Comédienne) , Anne-Laure Nessi - (organisation) , Mireia Peñalver Guilleumes - (Violoncelle baroque et viole de gambe) , Patricia Piller - (organisation) , Emmanuel Resche-Caserta - (Coach instrumental et violon baroque) , May Robertson - (Violon baroque) , Fernando Rosa De Almeida - (Violon baroque) , Maria Shabashova - (Clavecin) , Dušan Toroman - (Clavecin) , Jory Vinikour - (Clavecin) , Hélène Walter - (Soprano) ,


For its second edition, Prangins Baroque opened up to 6 instrumentalists, under the direction of Emmanuel Resche-Caserta and 4 singers led by Florian Carré and Marijana Mijanović, but also to dance with Pierre-François Dollé and Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière . Director Kateryna Sokolova worked with the musicians on their scenic expression. At the end of a week of workshops, a show for young audiences, de l'autre côté du miroir (On the other side of the mirror) with actress Geraldine Moreau-Geoffrey was produced, as well as two concerts, Le Miroir des Cœurs (Mirror of Hearts) given at the Temple of Prangins as well as a Fête Baroque which took place in the courtyard of the Château de Prangins.


Une fête Baroque - 2021-09-12, Cour du Château de Prangins

Le Miroir des Cœurs - 2021-09-11, Cour du Château de Prangins

De l’autre côté du Miroir - 2021-09-08, Les Morettes

EQUIPE: Ana-Marija Brkić - (Soprano) , Florian Carré - (Chef de chant et clavecin) , Igor Diakoff - (organisation) , Pierre-François Dollé - (Conception, chorégraphie et danse) , Julie Catherine Eggli - (Mezzo-soprano) , Priscila Gabrielle Santos - (Violon baroque) , Ben Kazez - (Baryton) , Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière - (Danse) , Chantal Lauper - (organisation) , Constanza Meza-Lopehandía - (Scénographie et costumes) , Marijana Mijanović - (Direction artistique et chant ) , Sébastien Mitra - (Clavecin) , Géraldine Moreau-Geoffrey - (Comédienne) , Lucine Musaelian - (Viole de gambe) , Patricia Piller - (organisation) , Emmanuel Resche-Caserta - (Coach instrumental et violon baroque) , Nile Senatore - (Ténor) , Kateryna Sokolova - (Mise en scène) , Léo Spitz - (Violoncelle baroque) , Dušan Toroman - (Clavecin) , Andrew Wong - (Violon baroque) , Katarina Đorđević - (Violon baroque) ,


The first edition brought together 8 singers who, after a week of workshops led by Marijana Mijanović, produced the first creation for Prangins Baroque in a staging by Kateryna Sokolova with accompaniment by Dušan Toroman around the theme of love.


Concert final - 2020-10-04, Temple de Prangins

EQUIPE: Seumas Begg - (Ténor) , Igor Diakoff - (organisation) , Mayan Goldenfeld - (Soprano) , Sarah Kollé - (Soprano) , Chantal Lauper - (organisation) , Sreten Manojlović - (Baryton-basse) , Marijana Mijanović - (Direction artistique et chant ) , Patricia Piller - (organisation) , Sara Schabas - (Soprano) , William Shelton - (Contre-ténor) , Kateryna Sokolova - (Mise en scène) , Lena Spohn - (Mezzo-soprano) , Dušan Toroman - (Clavecin) , Marion Vergez-Pascal - (Mezzo-soprano) ,
  • Commune de Prangins
  • la Mobilière
  • Château de Prangins - Musée National Suisse
  • Denogent
  • Fondation Goblet